
Let’s model the American economy. How about using the Tacoma Narrows Bridge?

Let’s model the American economy. How about using the Tacoma Narrows Bridge?

Here we look at a real world of an economy under stress. This is not an economic model, but a bridge.
2 min read
As Seen on Forbes: Rising Overhead Costs? 16 Financial Factors To Keep An Eye On

As Seen on Forbes: Rising Overhead Costs? 16 Financial Factors To Keep An Eye On

The []Forbes Finance Council surveyed its members on ways to manage rising overhead costs.
The Fed can’t cure the chaos

The Fed can’t cure the chaos

The economic crises of the last decade made linear thinking about the economy very unhelpful. But our previous planning failures
3 min read
As Seen on Forbes: 15 Ways To Protect And Build Business Credit In A Financial Crisis

As Seen on Forbes: 15 Ways To Protect And Build Business Credit In A Financial Crisis

Businesses of all sizes are suddenly facing the prospects of a recession and perhaps even worse over the next year
Now for the economic yoyo

Now for the economic yoyo

The Federal Reserve Bank just raised Fed Funds rates 75 basis points after a shock realization that the economy was
3 min read
The Fed has spoken – RIP for the Magic Money Tree

The Fed has spoken – RIP for the Magic Money Tree

The Fed responded to the chaos of inflation, European war, and continuing Covid in Asia. The Federal Reserve Bank raised
4 min read
The Federal Reserve - the long view comes into view

The Federal Reserve - the long view comes into view

Dystopian worlds are a favorite subject in science fiction and a nightmare for central banks. As the Federal Reserve heads
3 min read
Guns, Covid-19, and Inflation

Guns, Covid-19, and Inflation

Europe’s wars are our wars. And the Ukraine war compounds our Covid war, which is still, to varying degrees
4 min read
As Seen on Forbes: Investors Should Watch Out For Price Controls And 'Sick Chickens'

As Seen on Forbes: Investors Should Watch Out For Price Controls And 'Sick Chickens'

In this piece on Forbes titled Investors Should Watch Out For Price Controls And 'Sick Chickens' [https://www.
As Seen on Forbes: How To Attract And Keep Employees Satisfied In The ‘Great Resignation’

As Seen on Forbes: How To Attract And Keep Employees Satisfied In The ‘Great Resignation’

The Great Resignation is alive and well and has many aspects to it, only some of which are monetary. Look