Products & Services

Are you looking for strategy, technology and forward-looking ideas in your business? eBooleant can help.
Products & Services

Business Development

• Bespoke business development services for multi-industry clients encompassing sales prospecting, meeting participation, presentations, CRM management, conference representation, social media management, PR, and marketing. Additionally, we produce thought leadership articles and reports. We provide comprehensive, hands-on support for daily operations, ensuring all aspects are expertly handled.

We are currently working with technology firms that solve business problems, especially using AI/ML and data analytics. Our partners in this space include Faberwork, and IndicatorLab, among others.

Consulting Services

• Clients can benefit from the services offered by eBooleant Consulting, headed by Dr. Philip Fischer. Each service provides a forum for difficult and complex questions specific to the needs of the clients. These services include eBooleant participation in:
o Client meetings with presentations on macro, micro, and fixed-income themes
o Sales calls that are remote or in-person
o Outlook calls about where the markets are, and what the Fed is doing
o Strategy sessions with clients on markets, finance, and AI

Finance & AI Advisor

• Clients can benefit from the long and deep experience of eBooleant Consulting head Dr. Philip Fischer. His focus is on the interface between financial modeling capabilities and company needs, especially in AI applications. These services include eBooleant participation in:
o Detailed needs analysis
o Product design review
o Company solutions and integration
o Internal and external education and marketing

Independent Board Member

• Dr. Philip Fischer previously served on the Banc of America Preferred Funding Corporation board and is now available for independent board positions. With AI being adopted widely and tech firms growing rapidly, board independence is critical.

Publications with Insight

• Clients rely on penetrating views of market trends and the factors driving them, not just general market reviews. Dr. Fischer’s distinguished career at major Wall Street banks encompassed widely read weekly reports and special studies on areas of the bond market.
o Weekly reports
o Special studies
o Comments on strategic events

Thought Leadership - Think Tank

• Clients need thought leadership in their trades. This is a key element in the securities industry and in the overall strategies of investors. It drives origination, sales, and trading. Macro to micro: taking geopolitical views to client portfolios is more important now than it has been in decades. eBooleant's Micro Macro Infinity seminars, presentations, and calls, are for:
o Thought leadership with client groups
o One-on-one presentations with clients
o Economic outlook on markets and the Fed
o Strategy sessions with clients

Why eBooleant?

eBooleant is an independent and deeply analytic entity with an eye on novel forces in the economy, particularly new technologies. The breadth of experience spans decades on Wall Street, crossing areas like law, economics, and math. Few can match us for insights and accuracy.

Reach Out

Dr. Fischer is available for group and individual presentations and consulting about fintech, AI, and risk management as well as public policy. His presentations are a global and policy center view of investment opportunities and trends that impact institutional investors.

High net-worth individuals, investment managers, banks, hedge funds, and family offices interested in presentations and consulting can contact Linda Purpura, Manager, Business Development, at